Monday, September 16, 2024

Cyber Monday Tips from the Google AdWords Crew

And Cyber Monday edges closer still. We’re at about five days now. Of course, we’ve still got Black Friday to deal with and last year shoppers spent around $531 Million online just on that day. Follow Amazon’s example and get ready for that.

Then you’ve got Cyber Monday to worry about. More than 8 out of 10 shoppers will be looking for discounts on Cyber Monday and 69% will be searching for free shipping according to a survey by Shopzilla.

“Cyber Monday has become so famous for its good deals that many consumers prefer waiting until Monday to shop online rather than heading out to the stores for the traditional Black Friday deals,” says Shopzilla. “Even the browsers – not shoppers – are using Cyber Monday to strategically prowl the web for promotions and savings.”

Shopzilla reported that the majority (83.7%) of retailers will have special promotions for CyberMonday, up from 72.2% last year.

Shopzilla Promotions Graph

Google’s AdWords crew was good enough to offer up some tips for Cyber Monday:

Check your budgets, and consider increasing them. You’re likely to see increased traffic and you won’t want to exhaust your budget early on a day when there are so many potential buyers.

Give customers peace of mind about shipping times. One of the most stressful parts of online holiday shipping is not knowing if a present will make it in time. Be up front about delivery dates and let customers know ordering deadlines for gifts to make it in time for the holidays.

Promote any special offerings in your ad text. If you have a holiday special that differentiates you from the competition, be sure to showcase it in your ad.

Not long ago, Yahoo also offered some good holiday tips:

1. Call out any special holiday deals

2. Highlight lower-priced items when possible

3. If you offer free shipping, be sure to include that in your ad copy

4. Stress the ease and convenience that online shopping offers

If you don’t have some of these tips in place, time is running out fast, and you may want to consider getting on the proverbial ball. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, you’re probably not going to feel like doing much about it tomorrow either. Especially if you’re a football fan.

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