Friday, September 20, 2024

WordPress Creators Acquire PollDaddy

Integrating polls into your WordPress blog just got easier. WordPress creators Automattic have acquired poll and survey service PollDaddy.


“Now whenever you do a post you’ll be a few clicks away from having your own poll, and you can have as many as you like!” says WordPress founding developer Matt Mullenweg. “We’re also going to be working on a lot more styles and customization of the polls, so you’ll be able to match it exactly to the look and feel of your blog.” PollDaddy contains the following features:

PollDaddy Features

“For a year or two now, I’ve been minorly obsessed with polls and surveys as a method of lightweight interaction that engages casual users of your website and also can get you some really fun data to play with,” says Mulleneg. “I’ve also mentioned at a few WordCamps that a polling plugin is one of the top 10 WordPress plugins in the world. Polls are really popular with WordPress users.”

PollDaddyThere’s no doubt that polls can be a great way to inspire audience participation (or user engagement if you will). They can be great way to come up with interesting statistics (more so for more popular blogs) and get feedback from readers about your blog itself, which can then lead to improvements. Polls make for a nice interactive element that people often just happen to find fun.

With so many of the Blogosphere’s blogs running on WordPress, PollDaddy could potentially have an impact on a great number of them. For a nice demo on how PollDaddy for WordPress works, check out the video below.



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