Tuesday, September 17, 2024


An Australian woman known as the world’s oldest blogger has died at the age of 108.

Olive Riley, from Woy Woy around 50 miles north of Sydney, started blogging in February of 2007. In her final post she talked about her declining health but also said she still sings a happy song every day.

She enjoyed the notoriety - it kept her mind freshOlive Riley

In her blog posts Riley told stories from her life during the two world wars, about raising three children on her own and working as a station cook in the outback. Riley attracted a global audience with her blog, The Life of Riley and a number of videos posted on YouTube with her talking and singing.

Riley was 12 years older than the world’s previous oldest blogger, Spain’s Marie Amelia. Riley was born in 1899 and would have been 109 in October.

“She enjoyed the notoriety — it kept her mind fresh,” her great-grandson Darren Stone of Brisbane told local newspapers. “She had people communicating with her from as far away as Russia and America on a continual basis, not just once in a while.”

In her final and 74th post on June 26 Riley talked about moving into a nursing home and her declining health. “How the days have flown, even though I’ve been in bed most of the time. I still feel weak, and can’t shake off that bad cough.”

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