Thursday, September 19, 2024

Google Analytics For Blogger Introduced

The good news: some Blogger users will be able to access handy Analytics reports.  The bad news: “some” probably doesn’t include you.  Yes, Google Analytics for Blogger has officially entered private beta.

The private beta stage is, as its name indicates, something that companies often comment on, and on the Official Google Analytics Blog, Group Manager Brett Crosby acknowledged, “[W]e usually don’t widely announce private-beta programs . . .”

Google Analytics
 Google Analytics For Blogger In Private Beta

But he then continued, “[W]e are migrating all existing Measure Map users (which include many prominent bloggers) to this new interface. With all the excitement around it, we knew we couldn’t keep it a secret, so we decided to let the cat out of the bag early.”

Here’s hoping that you’re among the few affected by this development.  Everyone else must wait.  It’s hard to guess how much of a delay there’ll be, but to at least cite another Google-y example: Google TV Ads launched yesterday, and it first entered invitation-only beta testing in June of last year.

While everyone plays the waiting game, we’ll be sure to report any indications of how Analytics for Blogger is performing.  Crosby warned that there could be some hiccups, yet the fact that there was a big announcement hopefully indicates it’s in somewhat solid shape.

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