Thursday, September 19, 2024

Zimbabwe Bloggers Anxious For Election Results

Bloggers in Zimbabwe have been speaking out about the presidential and parliamentary elections as they wait for results.

Fear rigged results

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and ruling ZANU-PF were virtually tied in parliamentary results released by the electoral commission, 36 hours after polls closed.

Many bloggers believed the delay in results was due to President Robert Mugabe attempting to fix the results and extend his 28 years in power.

“Across the country Zimbabweans agree that the MDC has trounced ZANU-PF but they don’t believe (correctly) that this automatically translates into Mr Mugabe handing over the keys to State House, and his black Mercedes,” wrote a blogger called Bev Clark here — an online community of Zimbabwean activists.

Poet Samm Farai Monro, known as Comrade Fatso wrote on his blog about the rumors floating around the capital Harare.

“The streets are waiting. We woke today to rumors of Mugabe fleeing to Malaysia and news of the MDC press conference. We carried our bababarazi’d (hungover) selves to the conference after a night of ragga at downtown Harare’s Tube Nightclub. According to the MDC’s counting process they are way ahead in the polls. Victory is on people’s lips. But so is rigging”.

A commenter on the news Web site expressed concerns about the election being rigged and what would happen if Mugabe stayed in power Reuters reported.

“I want to say to Mr. Mugabe, this is your perfect time to say goodbye,” said “Snoopy”, a Zimbabwean living in Australia. “There will be blood on the streets if you steal this election and again tell the people you do not care … Go now Bob.”

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