Suppose you use multiple calendars; by manually copying events from one to another, you’re wasting time and moving towards having them memorized, anyway. So a new tool promises to sync Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook calendar.
Google Calendar Sync, as it’s named, is supposed to sync calendars at intervals of your choice, and in either direction you please. On the Official Google Enterprise Blog, Matt Kulick adds, “You can set the default privacy level in Google Calendar to ‘private’ so events synced from Microsoft Outlook calendar are marked private, and only you (or others who you’ve granted permission to view event details) will see them on Google Calendar.”
The tool is available right now, and like most of Google’s offerings, is available for free. We feel obligated you warn you, though, that it may not work too well.
On Google Operating System, 20 comments follow an article on the matter. They’re not all negative, but several mention problems, and a few more suggest alternatives like Plaxo. On Google Blogoscoped, there are 14 comments, and some issues are also raised there.
Nothing appears to be catastrophically wrong with Google Calendar Sync, and no calendar events have been reported lost. Give it a try if you want; just don’t get too set on giving up the old copy/paste routine.