Friday, September 20, 2024

Bango Analyzes The Mobile World

Measuring the mobile web, and doing it better than Google’s AdWords conversion tracking, will be a big claim to live up to, but Bango thinks its new analytics service will deliver.

More mobile devices in the world, with the ability to access the web for normal and multimedia content, represents the growth opportunity for digital advertising. Millions of people globally carry powerful phones, and web access, in their pockets every day.

People who can tap these advanced services will do so, and become a demographic unto themselves. For an advertiser, quality analytics makes the difference in how well they reach and retain customers.

Bango opened its hosted Analytics service for mobile website owners, who can use it free of charge. The company claimed the service provides detailed information on mobile visitors, without revealing any personal data.

A Bango representative we contacted about the ability of the service to determine mobile information said they can provide quite a bit to advertisers. A slowed-down snapshot demo of real-time data shows users, devices, networks, phone countries, and website countries.

The Bango rep also said the analytics knows the device and operating system versions; advertisers engaged in mobile commerce can tell if the visitor has previously made a purchase with the business.

For marketers, the real test will be meeting and beating Google AdWords and its reporting. Bango said their analytics will show not just the details mentioned earlier, but popularity of content, the search terms that give the best results, and total ROI from an ad campaign.

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