Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fixing Yahoo, The Internet Way

Lots of ideas float through the maze of sites and blogs online, some of them aimed at fixing Yahoo. Here are some of the suggestions we found.

Sell it to Microsoft or take it private? Bring back the dolphin or fire everyone with a marketing degree who’s been there longer than a year?

First suggestion: take better meeting minutes. Jeremy Zawodny may have figured it out, but he can’t remember what he said, and he didn’t mention a topic so maybe it was something related to MySQL anyway.

Henry Blodget has ideas at Silicon Alley Insider, collected from various anonymous readers. Our favorite so far: “Figure out what services people really like and shoot everything else.”

We think that would leave Yahoo Search, Finance, Answers, Email, Messenger, Fantasy Sports, Flickr, and Delicious. That’s not only cutting to the bone, it’s slashing nearly all the meat from the skeleton. It also turns Yahoo into a Google with a good fantasy football league.

How about this idea – think long term investment? National Post cited Odlum Brown Ltd. analyst Felix Narhi, who sees opportunity with a cheap Yahoo stock price while others see near-term ills.

Maybe we can record Narhi doing a ‘leave Yahoo alone’ bit in the spirit of Leave Britney Alone. Nothing like a good viral video to boost your profile.

Investor impatience may demand quicker fixes that boost the stock, but we wonder how much that would help. If Yahoo suddenly climbed to the $30s, we imagine a lot of people would lock that in and dump shares as fast as they could click the right buttons for their online brokers.

Perhaps Jerry Yang and David Filo need to do something completely different. Take Yahoo private, bid farewell to joyless quarterly earnings calls, and be a company that worries more about a great customer experience than the rollercoaster ride on Wall Street.

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