Saturday, October 5, 2024

Macworld Too Much For Twitter

Oh, dear.  It’s done it now.  Twitter was already known for experiencing an embarrassing amount of downtime, but the microblogging service crashed during the Macworld keynote, and users are not happy.Macworld Too Much For Twitter

A key point in all this (and we’ll get to “all this” in another moment) is that Twitter’s leaders presumably knew Macworld was coming; while wildfires, oil spills, and other disasters can’t be anticipated, Steve Jobs’s keynote address occurs quite regularly.  Twitter could have – and probably should have – prepared for extra traffic.

Nicholas Carlson wrote, “[M]y boss is at Macworld right now and he’s expecting Twitter’s Jack Dorsey to take the stage in a matter of minutes.  Of course, you should be hearing about this from him in our liveblog of the event.  But we used a Twitter embed. And it’s broken.  And, depending on when you’re visiting the ‘Wag,’ it’s either not working or loading really slow.  Break a leg, Jack!”

Duncan Riley, Adam Ostrow, Allen Stern, Rick Mahn, Matt Herzberger, and Jackie Danicki took note of the outage, as well.  This is hardly the kind of publicity that a young and not entirely profitable company would want.

Oh, well.  Guess we’ll see if the event has any effect on Twitter’s long-term popularity.

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