Thursday, January 9, 2025

Marks Misses the Mark on “Tech Solutions”


OK folks I can’t take mainstream media much longer. They are so out of touch with what is really happening online it is simply ridiculous. Take the latest offering from Gene Marks at MSNBC:

Tech ‘Solutions’ Your Small Biz Can’t Use

Another Idiotic Mainstream Media Article…and his title is very appropriate. Well Gene Marks is pretty much an idiot. Gene lists 10 things your small business DON’T need in any particular order:

1. RSS Feeds
2. Spam Filters
3. Antivirus Software
4. Blogs
5. Search Engine Optimization
6. Mobile Applications
7. Customer Relationship Management Software
8. AdWords
9. Online Video
10. Web 2.0

Here is a rundown one by one of all of Gene’s points with my responses back:

1. RSS Feeds

I love how Gene starts the list of with this one:

“Instead, he was “fed” an endless stream of meaningless items displayed in an overly large browser window that winds up distracting more than informing”. Well duh Gene it is the users responsibility to subscribe to RSS fees that are useful. If they prove not to be then simply delete it. To say RSS is useless is completely illogical. Gene in what way do you propose would be easier to keep track of updates on blogs and websites?

2. Spam Filters and 3. Antivirus Software

LOL, so spam filters and antivirus is not a good thing for companies to use, LOL. No comment.

4. Blogs

Now this is simply laughable. Probably the worst recommendation in this long list of crap. One of the easiest and cheapest ways for small business to get off the ground if through a blog. Blogs are easily picked up by everyone in the world, easy to advertise on and simply a way for the small guys voice to be heard. Whether your a company of 1 or 500, having a blog is smart thing to do. Creating this type of customer interaction is necessary in today’s web. If you don’t believe me look at the top companies performing online. Do most all of them have blogs? Yup

5. Search Engine Optimization

Ok so all business can simply forget about ranking in search engines right? Gene the crap you pointed out was buying from spammers. If you did a hour of research into this matter you would see thousands and thousands of companies are spending more and more each year on this type of marketing. Why? Because it works.

6. Mobile Applications

As mobile devices like LG Voyager and Apple’s iPhone allow for a more adequate browsers interface, you bet your life more people will be accessing the web and using web based mobile applications more. Just look at the growth of podcasting in the last few years.

7. Customer Relationship Management Software

I use Outlook and I am fine with that.

8. AdWords

Sure I can live without AdWords, but it doesn’t mean other businesses can. To make such a broad based sweeping recommendation is ludicrous Some companies survive on AdWords alone. Hey Gene ever hear of conversion analysis? Check it out sometime.

9. Online Video

Online video is fast becoming one of the best ways to market your business online. Video integration into your website is pretty much key no matter what service or product your offering online. Your saying you need Time Warner’s budget to maintain and create great video content? Hardly. Just look at the most viewed videos that are on YouTube weekly.

10. Web 2.0

Do you even know what Web 2.0 is? Do I? Does anyone. How can you expect someone to come along and define it. I personally feel Web 2.0 has to do with more user generated content and making the web more of community for each and every website rather than websites simply broadcasting their message. Why don’t you try and define it instead of simply saying no one can.

Wow, what a list huh? How off based can you be? I am sure Gene is just trying to help here, but once again this is one mans simple opinion and should not be construed with what is actually going on in the world. Is their even an editor at MSNBC. Nice job buddy.

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