Friday, September 20, 2024

MySpace Users Agree On Key Political Issues

The majority (86%) of MySpace users 18 and over, or who will be 18 by November 4,2008, say they are “Extremely Likely” or “Likely” to vote in the 2008 presidential election, according to MySpace’s first “Impact Presidential Poll.”

A high proportion of MySpace users call themselves Independents compared to Americans overall. Twenty- seven percent said their political affiliation was Independent compared to 8 percent of the general U.S. population. Fifty-two percent are Independent and leaning towards one party, compared to 41 percent from a November 2007 Gallup Poll.

Jeff Berman “One year before the national presidential election, the Impact Presidential Poll highlights where the MySpace Generation stands,” said Jeff Berman, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at MySpace. “We can’t wait to see how MySpace users’ views evolve in the run-up to next November.”

Democratic and Republican MySpace users are on the same page when it comes to the issues of the economy and terrorism. Thirty-six percent of Democratic and 38 percent of Republican users say the “War On Terror is the most important issue. Twenty-nine percents of Democratic and 28 percent of Republican MySpace users say the economy is the most important issue to them in the upcoming election.

The MySpace Impact political poll was done online between November 28, 2007 and December 4, 2007. The average age of participants were 25 years old. Seven hundred fifty users 18 and older responded and 126 users who will turn 18 before the 2008 election participated in the poll.


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