Thursday, September 19, 2024

Collegiate Social Networking Goes to

Since Facebook has virtually abandoned the college crowd and opened up its social network to the public, college students have been left out in the cold. is coming to the aid of those college students who feel abandoned by Facebook by launching their own social network.

The social network seeks to be a personalized, integral part of college life. The social network can connect students not only with their social lives but also with their courses. Homepage’s overall goal is to be a “one-stop shop for information and communication between students.” If you’re a college student, you can go to the site, create your own user profile, and connect with people in your classes.

One interesting feature is that offers a “Wake Up Call” system that will alert your phone when you need to wake up for a class. integrates your course schedule, professor profiles and professor rankings, event listings, and study aids. There are online note cards to help organize your workload and to help you study for tests.

Based on the college you go to, you can view school-specific events…eveything from Greek life to student organizations. You can even view local news and weather information through the site. requires that students have a .edu email address in order to sign up. Facebook is no longer for college students, and one of the concerns is that there’s potential for future employers and the general public to get access to personal information such as photos or even a daily diary. makes sure that this won’t happen, so college students can concentrate on networking with other college students.


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