Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nuts Over Google, Man Sues For $5 Billion

I know a guy, lives out on the back roads in rural Kentucky, that was declared insane by the state of Ohio, and because of his education level, gets a nice disability check. He’s a funny, interesting, crazy guy. He doesn’t have anything to do with the man in Pennsylvania that’s suing Google for $5 billion; just made me think of him for some reason.

It’s not really clear how British site The Register came to beat American publications to this gem, but they did, somebody at the Pike County Clerk’s office must like them. UPDATE: Actually, TechDirt broke the news a couple of days earlier. Nice work Mike!

Dylan Stephen Jayne, previously somewhat unknown to Google’s search engine, except by way of an upside down Social Security number that, decoded, spelled Google (thereby leaving him vulnerable to terrorist organizations) – are you still following me through all the commas, parentheses and dashes? – has made himself better known in Google’s index as the link love begins to pour because of his handwritten lawsuit which included photocopies of his:

Driver’s license
Social Security card
Bank account numbers
Debit card
Library card
The Secret Google Code

Wouldn’t worry too much about the bank account getting tapped. Several overdraft notices were also included.

But we might be concerned about the Americans and illegal aliens at risk of death or “serious undress” because of Google. The last thing we want is unregulated nudity.

Why ask for just $5 billion, though? For aiding terrorism, violating privacy, being an information overlord, threatening the public with nakedness, and being all around jerks, why not go all out and seek the maximum award of a bazillion gajillion dollars?

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