Thursday, September 19, 2024 Summit: Secrets Of Paid Search

Click-through rates could be so much better for your site if you only…well, keep reading to see what some sharp industry pros had to say with their Paid Search Tips.

Murdok has been covering the Summit, taking place in Las Vegas. You can catch our conference interviews at Murdok videos right now.

Secrets of paid search? Sure, they’re out there. Attendees of the Summit picked up a few.

Dana Todd suggested a few ways to improve the CTR from paid search advertisements. Secondary domains or subdomains with keywords in the visible URL line can help grab attention. If your site pulls in real world reviews, you should highlight those in ads, too.

More? Ok, break out the ad-appropriate superlatives and points of difference that your site offers. Exclusive merchandise lines are one example of this., so emphasize them when you can.

Dana also suggested another little trick, if you can pull it off. Sometimes you can slip non-alphanumeric characters into paid search ads, which helps differentiate them. That could look like this: >> The Truth About Shoes! <<

You get the idea. I hope.

SEO tactics used wisely on the ad’s landing page could make Google’s quality score assessments much happier. If that happens, the minimum bid requirement could come down for your ad.

Dana advised people to make sure the keyword appears in the title tag, headline, and body copy. If the keyword appears in the filename for the landing page, that’s even better.

A couple of Dana’s tips involve old-fashioned hard work. Campaign managers need to look for the ‘long-tail searches‘ that could be bringing people to the landing page.

And any campaign needs a little quality assurance review regularly to root out possible mistakes, ones that could cost a site conversions, and dollars.

Murdok anchor Kara Ratliff contributed to this story.

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