Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Finance Goes Off Radar

Google’s allowed many of its products and services to grow old and moldy, and one of the most high-profile examples of this is Google Finance.  In theory, the site wouldn’t just appeal to some small niche group, but nonetheless, Google Finance isn’t really going anywhere.

Google Finance Goes Off Radar
Google Finance Goes Off Radar Of course, even as Google Finance became out of date, so did I; some fortunate events have, strangely enough, prevented me from making any investments over the past year or so.  This has simplified whatever disclaimers I’d otherwise feel obliged to make, but it’s also put me a bit out of touch with the financial world.  Luckily, we’ve got Rick Aristotle Munarriz of The Motley Fool to act as a guide.

“It certainly turned heads at the time around Fooldom,” Munarriz states of Google Finance’s launch.  He later adds, “But when was the last time you found yourself at Google’s personal-finance portal?  I can go days – weeks, even – without dropping by, and I’m someone who sets up a sleeping bag in front of nearly every financial resource available online.”

And while other Google products get weekly updates, the most relevant Google Finance story is, of course, the retirement of George Reyes, Google’s chief financial officer.  Before that, there’s only the release of Google Finance for Canada (which, while dull, was made slightly more interesting when somebody slipped up and announced the launch too early).

So, where do we go from here?  Well, as far as anyone knows, nowhere.  Google’s attention seems to have been drawn away from this project.  Munarriz writes, “I’d complain about it on the Google Finance stock board, but what would be the point?  Who would notice?  Who would respond?”

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