Thursday, September 19, 2024

SES – Takeaways

I am going to try and take a different approach on how to report on what’s happening here at Search Engine Strategies San Jose. If you want detailed coverage on all the sessions I would recommend checking out Tamar Weingberg at SERoundTable or the Bruce Clay Blog.

I thought I would simply report on information I found most valuable to readers and on strategies they could apply for their own online campaigns.
This morning I checked out “The Search Landscape” with representatives from Nielsen/Netratings, Comscore, Hitwise and Compete. I did find the session quite basic, however there were some valuable takeaways:

  • Bill Tancer of Hitwise mentioned that in the late 90’s portals such as Excite and Yahoo used to be people’s homepages, in the early 2000’s the homepages changed to search engines and today it’s Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace. This should make everyone aware of the importance of having a presence in Social Networking spaces, whether it’s through groups, advertising, web applications or gaining an understanding of end users.
  •’s Jeremy Crane showed that women tend to use Google less than men and tend to use ASK, Yahoo and MSN more often than men. He also said Seniors also tend to spread out their searches across the big 4 search engines. The takeaway here is that it’s in order to gain the best returns it’s important to segment your online campaigns/advertising to your target audience.

All 4 players offer industry leading rating and analytical information services which can potentially allow you to offer a more focused strategy to your audience.



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