Behavioral Targeting is the ability to target users based on their behavior on your website (this is one form known as on-site targeting). The concept of behavioral/on site targeting is exactly how business should be done: offer a customized solution to your end users so that they are truly engaged with your website.
While at ad:Tech Chicago I heard Phillip Suchet of Kefta provide some excellent reasons why behavioral targeting is becoming absolutely essential:
- Acquisition costs are rising and conversion rates are decreasing
- The power switch from Push to Pull Marketing
- The change from mass marketing to personalized marketing
There are so many factors to consider when behaviorally targeting users – so which ones should you consider? The factors and metrics are completely site specific, however below are a few factors that you should consider when developing profiles for your various visitor segments:
- Referring Sites
- Referring Keywords
- Internal Search Queries
- Pages Viewed (type/category of content)
- Preferred method of communication: Email vs. Phone vs. Webinar
- Purchase Patterns based on seasonality
- Demographics: Age, Sex, Education, House Hold Income, Marital Status
- Recency
- Frequency
- Products added to cart
- Time Zone
- Time of Day on website
- Offline Influencers: TV/Radio/Magazines
Resources for Behavioral/On Site Targeting:
– Omniture TouchClarity
– WebTrends Marketing Lab 2
– Anil Batra: Behavioral Targeting 101
– Kefta
– Clickz: Target Behavior on the Site Level
– Avinash Kaushik: The Promise & Challenge of Behavior Targeting (& Two Prerequisites)