Saturday, December 14, 2024

Google Book Search Says Goodbye To Harry


Google Book Search has dealt with Indian manuscripts, Japanese universities, and Belgian libraries – interesting stuff, but not exactly in line with mainstream America’s tastes.  Now Google Book Search is directing a nod – more of a bow, really – to Harry Potter.

“We at the Google Book Search blog would be remiss if we did not address the most significant event in book publishing in the last 50 years: the release of the final book in J.K. Rowling’s excellent Harry Potter series,” writes Roland Lange, Strategic Partner Development Manager, on the Inside Google Book Search Blog.

Lange goes on to discuss several different matters, and I’ll warn you right now: if you haven’t read the last book, clicking on some of his links may not be a good idea.  (As one of the 42 people who haven’t yet gotten around to it, I’m afraid to click on much of anything.)

“Although the full text of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows isn’t searchable online, you’ll find lots of information about it on our ‘About this Book’ page, including links to book reviews and web references from diverse sources like the BBC and a host of HP fan sites,” he states.

Others links lead to various books and movies that might intrigue the Potter posse – those look pretty safe.  All in all, it’s just interesting to see Google express its interest in this publishing phenomenon.

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