Friday, September 20, 2024

GMail Updates Aren’t Half-Apps’ed

Google added a handful of new features to its Google Apps web-based platform, including the ability to migrate old email gathering “metaphorical dust” to Gmail accounts.

If nobody’s using their “metaphorical dust,” there are more than a few writers out there that would benefit, simile butchers they are.

“We’re excited about the new mail migration feature because it will make it easier for organizations to get started on Google Apps Premier and Education Editions and give their old email new life — in many cases, that email is sitting in storage, covered with metaphorical dust and difficult to search,” writes Nameless P.R. Guy, who also notes how good Google Calendar is for “calendaring.”

I checked. It is a word, like “mapping” or “charting,” indicating how simple it is to create a verb out of anything by making it a gerund. I expect to be monthing my activities later, proboscissing rather than thumbing or, God forbid, assing through my appointments.

Among the updates to Google Apps:

·    Shared address book – For those still having to use two or more accounts for their address booking.
·    Google Docs & Spreadsheets charts – Users can create charts while spreadsheeting. 
·    Increased Gmail attachment size – Old news, but cool nonetheless. GMail handles attachments up to 20 MB. 
·    Multi-user chats – Small groups and project partners can converse via Google chat.

On the Google Blog, Vikaram Gupta, a Google Apps software engineer, explains the speed of which educational organizations can copy existing email from an IMAP server to Google Apps.

One of the first organizations to test this out, Central Piedmont Community College, replaced its old email system for 30,000 users in just 3 weeks. And that process came down to 3 million emails flying from their server over to ours in just 24 hours — more than 2,000 emails per minute, all without missing a beat.

Now, before you get back to chairing around, check out the most bizarre grammatically correct sentence ever.

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