Sunday, October 6, 2024

Getting Strangers to Talk About YOU, Godin’s Way

Are you trying to get some attention? Not a simple task these days…

Some of the world’s smartest people keep their secrets tight to their chest.

Not Seth Godin. Seth is full of marketing genius and you can learn a bunch by watching him.

One of his new ventures is called Squidoo.

While attending a major trade event for eBay, Seth’s goal was to get everyone talking about Squidoo.

He succeeded. Here’s what he did:

We printed 600 t-shirts with a long, hand-written letter on the front, explaining how Squidoo helps eBayers. And we gave the shirt away to anyone willing to wear it. The incentive? Each day, Megan picked someone who was wearing the shirt and gave that person $9,000 worth of ads on Squidoo.

Within an hour, you saw orange t-shirts on the show floor. By the second day, every single t-shirt was taken and more than 5% of all the people there were wearing the shirts.

Total cost: $3,000. (plus the ads)

So by giving away free advertising on his site (which of course costs him nothing), he was able to get some great buzz going!

And, what is more interesting is that they had to strip their mannequin of its shirt (should have printed more Seth!).


This is not the first time Seth has worked this angle. Check this out for example.

How can we apply such tactics to the Internet?


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