Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Isn’t my Blogging Helping my SEO Efforts?

Here’s a recent exchange on LiveHelp with blog reader Jerry, who is concerned that his blog efforts aren’t paying SEO dividends:

Jerry: Hi kalena, I’m writing like crazy but not bumping my seo juice. I was hoping for advice

kalena : how are you syndicating your articles?

Jerry : I’m not. I’m just blogging.

: Ah. Have you registered your blog with as many blog directories as possible?

: Do you make it super easy for readers to find your RSS feed?

Jerry : technorati and blogpulse

Jerry : yes, I use addthis

: do you Digg etc your own posts?

Jerry : No, i haven’t figured digg out yet. That’s one I want to work on

Jerry : What about syndicating?

: If you think your post is unique enough, you should Digg it yourself. Digg will tell you if there are posts on the same subject, but usually you can Digg your own

Jerry : Okay. That sounds like a good tip. I think it’s very unique

: yes, if you can encourage other sites and bloggers to syndicate your own blog feed, that’s a good way to get traffic

: It helps if you can get bloggers in the same industry to link to or comment on your posts

Jerry : How do I find them to ask them? My blog about memoirs is so unique I have not found too many like it

: Do searches for popular sites and blogs on your subject matter and simply email them and ask for a link. Or send them a post that you think they’d like.

Jerry : Okay. But I get stuck in blogosphere when I search. I’ve been doing this for 4 months and still haven’t got the hang of finding similar blogs

: Try writing a few longer posts or mini articles on your blog. They are the ones that usually get traffic. Or create a useful tool for other memoir writers to use

Jerry : They are ALL articles

Jerry : I’m cranking out some of my best writing ever

: Try creating a free account at They are looking for new writers and you can link back to your blog.

Jerry : huh. That’s new. Okay I’ll try that

: Hold on for a sec, I have a great list of article distribution sites…

Jerry : NEAT!

: Ok, here is the URL:

: Also, you can join Yahoo Groups and do a search for Article Announcement groups. These are places where you can submit your articles for free to thousands of sites who will re-publish them with your link

Jerry : That sounds perfect.

: Glad to help.

Jerry : Thanks so much for your time!! This is awesome. I think I already have you on my blogroll

Jerry : If you have a moment I have a couple technical questions

: Just a quickie as I am grading assignments

Jerry : Thanks! I started with the ugly default slug

Jerry : Should I go back and fix them with pretty permalinks?

Jerry : AND another question. Can I repost them, or does that get me in trouble with google for double posting.

Jerry : permalink

: Re permalinks, if you have a look at the titles of my blog posts, they are permanent links.

Jerry : yes, they look great. All my first 4 months were ugly

: You can add code to your Blogger template to ensure all your article/blog post headings are permanent links

: Don’t know about double posting, but why would you want to do that?

Jerry : Two reasons. I had SO LITTLE traffic my first few months, I don’t want them to be lost

Jerry : And 2, the permalinks the first time were those ugly looking ?p=232″ or whatever

: I’ll email you the code to create permalinks out of your blog post titles:

Jerry : Thanks Kalena. You’ve been awesome. Thanks for taking the time.

: ok I’ll shoot it through when I get time.

: You’re welcome. Good luck with the syndication

Jerry : Thanks

: bye


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