Friday, September 20, 2024

Adobe PR’s Nightmare

Last night when picking up burritos at Tres Amigos in Half Moon Bay with Patrick someone came up to me (sorry, didn’t get remember his name and even if I had, I’d keep it secret to protect the innocent) and asked “are you Robert Scoble?” He recognized me from my blog. Turns out he’s an engineer on Adobe’s Flex team. We small talked a bit. I told him that I’ll be on the first leg of the Adobe AIR bus tour (doing a bunch of interviews and going to learn more about Flash and Flex and AIR). Said I was looking forward to talking with Kevin Lynch, and other executives and geeks who are expected to be on the bus.

But, I’ve been poking around Adobe for a while now and know from how they answer this question that something is up and that something has news value:

“How’s the work on the iPhone version of Flash going?”

He instantly answered “I can’t talk about that.”

This answer is so fast, and so consistent, that it just drives me nuts (it’s the fourth Adobe employee I’ve asked about this and got the exact same answer). So, of course, when I get on the bus, that’s the first thing I’m going to ask Kevin Lynch about.

Anyway, why is this Adobe PR’s greatest nightmare? Well, it’s every PR team’s nightmare to have an engineer meet a journalist, or worse yet a blogger, without a PR person around. Who knows what might get said?

In this case, though, they have this team locked down. It’s almost like they got PR training from Steve Jobs’ PR team. Oh, wait, that’s actually the case! (One of the head PR guys at Adobe used to work at Apple).

Damn, foiled again!

But, anyway, something is up inside Adobe regarding the iPhone. Post your rumors, innuendos, and spy photos here. :-)



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