Friday, September 20, 2024

Online Shopping And Father’s Day

U.S. consumers will spend $9.9 billion for Father’s Day, according to the National retail Federation’s “2007 Father’s Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey,” from Bigresearch.


Father's Day Online

Father’s Day Online

Average spending per person will amount to $98.34 in 2007, an increase from $88.80 in 2006. Men will spend an average of $100.72, compared with $96.09 on average for women.

Asked where they planned to shop for Father’s Day gifts this year, 34 percent said department stores. Around 29 percent said they would shop at discount stores and 29 percent said they would go to an electronics or greeting card store. Online stores were the shopping choice of 18 percent of consumers.

About 70 percent of consumers said they would buy Father’s Day cards. Close to 43 percent said they would buy dinner at a restaurant for their fathers. Around 30 percent said they would buy a gift card.

Tracy Mullin of the NRF said, “Gas prices have little effect on what consumers spend for those who matter most. Retailers will see increased sales of clothing and tools as well as gift cards, which allow dad to treat himself to something he chooses.”

Consumer electronics vendors will have solid online sales for Father’s Day. Accenture’s “Retail & CGS Innovation survey: U.S. Results,” found that the Internet is the most popular place to purchase digital gadgets with 57 percent of consumers choosing to go online for electronics.

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