Thursday, September 19, 2024

The State of Mobile Apps

Yesterday I was sicker than a dog. I haven’t been that sick since I was in China in 1995. I was a pitiful sight. Just curled up in bed and could barely move. You know I’m sick when I don’t even turn on the laptop.

But, as I started to get better I was playing with my Nokia N95 phone — mostly cause Maryam kept calling me to make sure I was still alive. Many of the mobile apps really have some major holes. It’s like the authors of them don’t really use their cell phones with their own apps.

Twitter’s Mobile App, for instance, doesn’t let me click on URLs that are included in posts. I’m going to try Tiny Twitter to see if it’s better (Java required, so won’t work on your fancy new iPhone).
Google’s Mobile Reader isn’t even close to the desktop version. No river of news, no sharing, no keyboard shortcuts that I can figure out.

On the other hand, Google’s mobile search really is nice. Especially after you customize it for a while and add things like stocks, weather, and your favorite news sources.

And Google Mobile Maps rocks. I look at it everytime I’m about to get into my car because it shows live traffic data for the San Francisco area. Except I can’t figure out how to make it use the GPS device in my Nokia.

You can tell that was designed by a young startup that gets mobile phones. It’s a little complicated to use and figure out what it’s for, though.

Shozu rocks on mobile phones except that once in a while photos and video don’t get uploaded so I have to open the app up and make sure that things got sent up OK. I can’t figure out why that happens.

I haven’t tried out yet, but that’s next on my list.

Anyway, I’m staying home today. I’m also going to take some time off of reading feeds. I’ll be honest, I’m addicted to feeds and I’m not getting my work done, so gotta get off of those for a while.

What do you think about mobile apps? Which ones do you love and hate?

UPDATE: Jaiku has a new mobile version coming next week. Gotta get that and try it out.



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