Friday, September 20, 2024

Why You Don’t Need Web Analytics

How many saw that headline and heaved a sigh of relief? “Oh good,” you thought, “one less thing on my to do list.”

Web Analytics World has 21 reasons that you do not need web analytics. Any of these sound like you or your clients?

  • You don’t want to know where your visitors are coming from.
  • You don’t care how much time visitors spend on your website.
  • Most popular products? Who cares, you already know what your customers want.
  • Dead Content? There can’t be any dead content on your site.
  • Site overlay is overrated because you can pretty much guess which links visitors find appealing.
  • Bounce rate sounds like a make believe metric.

Well, when you put it that way…

Really, neglecting web analytics is one sure fire way to make sure that you’ll never succeed online. You have to know where you are now to know if anything you do in SEO, PPC, e-mail or affiliate marketing is even helping. Web analytics isn’t just pretty charts and “oh, that’s cool” data. It has to inform your marketing decisions.

In an ideal world, of course, we’d all have lots of time and expertise to devote to looking at those pretty charts and figuring out how to improve conversion rates and decrease bounce rates. But time is limited—we can either spend it analyzing the data or actually making the changes.

How do you balance the two?



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