Friday, September 20, 2024

Web Marketing the Old Fashioned Way

Lee Odden posted What’s Old Is New: Web Site Marketing Tips, and it’s a good read for Web marketers tired of chasing the latest social media trend. Some techniques date to the early years of the Web, but can still be effective if done right. Site announcements, surprisingly, can still generate traffic and links. Odden quotes Eric Ward as saying that the key idea with these isn’t just to blast out a press release but to target individual members of the media as well as non-media influencers and site operators.

Awards can be effective promotion tools if you win one – publicizing the award through press releases and the like will extend its effectiveness and generate additional linkage. These would be REAL awards, of course, not the kind that everyone who links back to the award site wins!

Odden includes one new-fangled approach along with the old standby techniques: widgets. He mentions RateItAll’s new interactive widget (which you can try out right here), and quotes Lawrence Coburn, author of the SexyWidget blog, on how to use widgets for site promotion. Providing mutual benefits is one of the keys to making this work and ensuring that your widget is a welcome addition to sites owned by others.

There’s a lot more information in this post – be sure to read the whole thing.



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