Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lazy Internet Marketers Fail

The biggest obstacle that will stand in your path as you start and travel along your Internet Marketing journey can be encapsulated in one word: Laziness. Conquering it is key to reaching your money goals.

People keep asking me why I say that 90% of Internet Marketers drop out of the industry within 6 months.

The truth is I don’t have a fixed answer, but on bad days, it seems like everyone else who started out about the same time as me has moved on to:

  • Network marketing
  • Taken up a 9-to-5 job somewhere
  • Doing the “financial trading cycle” which typically involves day trading or forex or options trading

The sad part is that they inevitably hit a brick wall, then look at what I’ve achieved in the last year and comment “Gee, you’re lucky”.

That kind of stings, considering the amount of effort I’ve spent in Internet Marketing, determining a path, building bridges to other Internet Marketers (sometimes taking a 20 hour flight each way) and taking on more than what others would normally do because I want to move along the road further.

So when I hear about the aspiring Internet Marketer who hasn’t taken action because he bought a new laptop and couldn’t figure out how to use it, and didn’t know how to configure his email, it makes me sad. Very sad.

In 2 minutes I informed him that he ought to call Dell and his ISP’s toll-free number and get his problems fixed by the next day.

Allaying blame on an inanimate laptop is tantamount to scolding the gas in your car because you got into an accident. It doesn’t quite add up.

Is it a catchall and a generalization to say marketers fail because they are lazy?

I think it’s more than just laziness, however, it’s a fundamental disconnect between your current reality and your long term goal.

If you knew you were destined for greatness, and you spent the day futzing around (maybe playing online chess, or IMing your friends), who’s to blame?

And if you have $127.05 in your affiliate marketing commission account, can you truly blame the ’system’ because it’s rigged?

Why not start looking into the mirror, and take a cold hard look.

If you’re truly doing your best and your best isn’t good enough, it might be time to consider other options.

But if you’re putting in 30 minutes a week, and loudly yelling that the system doesn’t work, then you might eventually become part of that 90% dropout statistic.

Should it be time to kick your Internet Marketing efforts up a notch?

Like they say: “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.”

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