Thursday, September 19, 2024

User Generated Content Popular Online

User-generated content remains popular as 49 percent of online users have actively created or consumed material posted by others in the last month. That is according to a study from JupiterReseach titled “User-Generated Content: Strategies for Media Sites”.

The study found that users under the age of 25 are notably active participants with three-quarters of 18 to 25 year olds reading or writing user-generated content (UGC).

“The relative youth of UGC users provides an opportunity for publishers to address consumers they have been unable to reach off-line,” said Barry Parr, Analyst at JupiterResearch.

“UGC is an important means of attracting younger users to the online sites of traditional media properties with whom they have no existing relationship.”

While younger online users are leaders when it comes to consuming UGC, the study also found that 34 percent of those over age 55 are active in UGC as well. Active users of UGC have not given up on traditional media, but are learning to balance the two.

“The challenge for media companies trying to reach this audience is learning where to draw the line between uncontrolled communication and the kind of editing they do in their own work,” said Parr who pointed out that The Los Angeles Times and Washington Post had to shutter their UGC recently because unmoderated discussions became unruly.

“Users of UGC are a population representative of the transition from traditional media to online media. They are still heavy users of traditional media, but online media play an equally important role in their lives,” said David Schatsky, President of JupiterResearch.

“Engaging the interest of UGC users is strategic to engaging the interest of the most committed online users and the advertisers who want to reach them.”



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