Friday, September 20, 2024

Search Share: Microsoft Continues To Fall

The Hitwise count of US search market share found Google rising, Yahoo and Microsoft dropping, and Ask picking up a smidgeon of searches.

Search Share: Microsoft Continues To Fall

Search Share: Microsoft Continues To Fall

Search Share: Microsoft Continues To Fall

Before we can get into the numbers, we have to wish the inestimable Gary Price congratulations and best wishes on his recent nuptials. Gary is Ask’s director of online information services, and recently tied the knot with the former Lisa Cohen. Have a great time in Italy, Gary!

Maybe a little Gary karma helped nudge Ask upward in the Hitwise US search market numbers. They managed to move up to 3.69 percent of searches for April 2007, a modest rise of 0.21 percent.

Yahoo and Microsoft should have been so lucky. Yahoo lost over half a percentage point in dropping to 20.73 percent, good enough for second place. Microsoft nearly dropped a percentage point too, falling to 8.46 percent of searches.

Care to guess where that percentage and more ended up? That’s right, at Google, with 65.26 percent of US searches for April. It’s an increase from March 2007’s 64.13 percent by the Hitwise numbers.

Google and other search engines fed plenty of traffic to other website categories as measured by Hitwise. Health & Medical websites led the way, as over 44 percent of their traffic started off at a search box someplace.

Traffic to Travel sites from search rose by over 31 percent, as Americans began planning for the meager vacation time they receive in the corporate-centric, productivity over everything culture that has been foisted upon workers throughout the country.

Hitwise bases its figures on a sample of 10 million Internet users in the U.S.

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