Friday, September 20, 2024

Microsoft Mixes it Up

I’ve posted a few of the best posts from the floor of Mix to my link blog. I didn’t post much news myself, instead have been listening to developers up in the BlogZone about what they think to get a feeling of how well Microsoft’s announcements are going over with attendees.

So far very well indeed. TechMeme has even more reports. Microsoft’s own bloggers tend to be underreported on TechMeme, so I’ve linked to several of those on my link blog since I think they actually are doing some of the best writing about what it means.

Ryan Stewart, who is quickly becoming my favorite blogger in the Rich Internet Application space, has the best writeup I’ve seen so far.

My short take? Microsoft has significantly added new capabilities to RIA developers and I look forward to hearing more. Some things that aren’t clear? How much of .NET has been moved to Silverlight? What won’t work?

The HD video quality and streaming service really rock, although it’s interesting that video length is capped at 10 minutes for free streams (hinting at pay services to come). Also, Microsoft underplayed the ability to use multiple languages to write these kinds of apps (Flex is only JavaScript).

Anyway, this stuff will be picked apart for months but the developers who were here were very impressed.

What do you think? Jeff Sandquist tells me that every presentation at Mix has been recorded and will be uploaded to over the next day or so.



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