Friday, September 20, 2024

JupiterResearch Forms Email Coalition

JupiterResearch is weighing in on the accuracy of e-mail measurement with the formation of the E-mail Measurement Accuracy Coalition (EMAC).

The group will offer recommendations of guidelines to measure e-mail deliverability and other e-mail marketing performance indicators.

“There is a fundamental lack of consensus across the e-mail marketing industry on how e-mail performance is measured, which ultimately undermines the effectiveness of the medium and renders cross industry benchmarks useless,” said Vice President and Research Director David Daniels.

“The group will try to build a framework that will accurately measure delivery and to standardize definitions of other metrics,” Mr. Daniels said. “It is the next logical thing to happen after our findings.”

This issue has been previously covered by JupiterResearch, The Email Sender and Provider Coalition (ESPC), and the E-mail Experience Council (eec) in its “State of E-mail Metrics and Bounce Management” report.

There will be a committee formed that comprises industry leaders and marketing professional, including representatives of e-mail and delivery service providers.

The list of supporters can be viewed here.

“The E-mail Experience Council applauds David Daniels for taking ownership of this significant gap in the email marketplace. The efforts of the EMAC will enable us to continue to push our efforts forward,” said Jeanniey Mullen, Founder of Email Experience Council and Executive Director of Worldwide Email Marketing at OgilvyOne.

The coalition is member supported and there are no fees to become a regular member.

The EMAC will have meetings of its committees and, once a solid foundation is created, the results will be posted on their Web site.

“The Email Sender and Provider Coalition has long focused on efforts to stabilize and promote the e-mail marketplace,” said Trevor Hughes, Executive Director of the ESPC. “We are delighted to participate in this worthy effort.”

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