Thursday, September 19, 2024

Domain Names – Choosing Them Alphabetically

There was an amusing aspect to the Google Search Engine Ranking Factors version 2 that SEOmoz put out this week.

Domain Names -  Choosing Them Alphabetically

Domain Names – Choosing Them Alphabetically

Who Can Compete with Google?

This report compares and contrasts the views of 37 experts in Search Engine Optimization on how Google ranks web page factors in keyword searches. It makes for interesting reading particularly given the consensus that developed on many of the most important factors.

One small feature of the presentation is that the experts were listed, not in order of their website domains, but in alphabetical order of their names. More interestingly it was not in order of their family names but rather their first names.

With a name like Barry Welford, I have been accustomed throughout my life and particularly at school to be at the end of alphabetical line-ups. If the BPWrap domain name had been used, then this also would have given an early mention in the alphabetical listing as it does in the DMOZ listing of similar websites. Using first names, we came third in the list, which is most pleasing.

Of course the real winner was the owner of SEObook. Normally he would be at the back of the line with the other W’s. Aaron Wall came out first in this list. His parents were obviously most astute when they named their baby.

It’s an important consideration in choosing a domain name. There are many listings that are arranged alphabetically. If at all possible, why not choose something that appears early in the alphabet. Indeed if you’re really serious you couldn’t do better than the domain that Chris Winfield has chosen for his website on Search, Design and Social. That’s You can’t do much better than that.


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