Friday, September 20, 2024

Guy Kawasaki Keynote in Kelowna

I’ve heard great things about Guy Kawasaki’s speeches and presentations and yesterday I had the opportunity to experience it for myself.

Guy Kawaski Guy Kawasaki was the keynote speaker at an awards Banquet in my home town of Kelowna, British Columbia and I have to admit it was one of the best (if not THE best) presentations I have ever heard.

Even though he had experienced an injury while playing hockey, he still came out and entertained the crowd for the 30-40 minutes he was on the stage. Guy was both hilarious and inspiring as he spoke on topics ranging from ‘his love of Hockey’ to ‘his career with Apple’ to ‘his slight mistake of turning down the job as the CEO of Yahoo’ to ‘stories of people pitching weird ideas to him’ to ‘his top 10 tips for being truly innovative and succeeding in business.’

I enjoyed his top 10 list the most which concluded with is famous 10/20/30 rule of power point presentations (10 slides, 20 minutes and 30 point font). The tip that I found the most useful was “to be meaningful.” Guy explained that if you do something in business do it so that it’s meaningful and serves a purpose, not to make money at it. If it’s meaningful the money will come along with it.

I was proud of our VP Bill Barnes when he simply thanked Guy for an amazing presentation (after the presentation was over) while others were overwhelming Guy with various pitches for potential business ideas – Way to keep it classy Bill.

Here are some pictures from Guy Kawasaki’s Keynote:

Guy Kawasaki Keynote

Guy Kawasaki Keynote

The team from Enquiro, from Left to Right: Jody Nimetz, ME (Manoj Jasra), Petra Leinemann, Cory Bates:

Enquiro - Jody Nimetz, Manoj Jasra, Petra Leinemann, Cory Bates


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