Friday, September 20, 2024

Let Me Run This by my Technical Advisor

This is the fifth part in a ten part series.

This is one of the toughest excuses to overcome: it really means that:

  • I do not feel comfortable or competent to make purchasing decisions involving technology
  •  I have no idea what you just said at all
  • I want to shop your price, because I do not want to pay you (don’t see the value)
  •  I think I can get my cousin Vinny to do it cheaper
  • I do not want to believe what you are saying because I am heavily invested In the wrong solution
  • If anybody believes what you are saying they will know that I am an idiot
  • I genuinely want to verify what you are saying because
  • I am analytical and don’t trust you
  • I have a hidden objection I am not going to share with you, and this is my excuse to get rid of you

This is a tricky one, because in all of the above the customer is trying to end the conversation, and more explanation is needed.

Say this:

OK, I understand that this is a little complicated, and difficult to understand, but if your current technical advisors knew what I know, they would have already recommended these things to you; let me put this in simple terms (quickly)? (Usually this will peak their curiosity and they will agree; please do!  They may look at their watch, and tell you to hurry..)

Now you must lead the customer to agree to what you are saying based on what they already know, completely by asking questions: that way, they cannot claim again that they do not understand or that they need advice: it is paramount that you require a response to each question before you move on:

  1. You understand, from your earlier answers, that it would help your business to be on top of the search engines, right? ( require acknowledgement)
  2. We have already established that you do not come up, right? (require acknowledgement)
  3. We know that your current advisor (Cousin Vinney) has not been able to help you with this, it is a specialty,isn’t it? ( require acknowledgement)
  4. Then why would you base your decision on their advice?

(the customer is trapped now, must tell you the truth, which is usually what they do – there is some hidden concern, or they have been burned before, or they are not really the decision maker, or they have some hidden thing you must address, perhaps more proof, or something they don’t get, and, now that it is in the open, you can address it..)

Oh, (releaved) now I see what is holding you back, you are actually interested in this, but ..(now re-state the real objection they just told you, which they cannot dispute ) .. that is what it is, isn’t it!  (they agree because they just told you it was) .. ok, that makes me feel better, (they now feel a little guilty for lying to you) and other than that very real concern you are actually interested aren’t you (this is a trial close they usually fall into) .. I am so glad to hear that, because that is the very reason why we have ….( proof, or tracking, or whatever it is that addresses the issue).. now they must either cave in and buy, or attempt another excuse, they often close right here:

What would I need to do to make this attractive to you right now and save going through this again? (Another trial close, you will not get any orders, or even get to the truth if you do not ask!)

Now, some will still say no, but it will not be your fault for not asking, and you will not need to wonder why!  Perhaps you can better address that issue with the next guy who resembles this one, but be carefull not change your proven system every time somebody says no – not everyone will buy nomatter what you do. NEXT!

Stay tuned: 6-10 in this series are coming…


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