Thursday, September 19, 2024

Anti-Hillary 1984 Video Hits YouTube

With candidates gearing up for the 2008 election season, the role of socially driven content sites such as YouTube begins to take shape. Case in point, one of the hottest videos on YouTube right now is pro-Obama clip featuring a remade version of Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial.

The difference in this video, however, is that Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton is the perceived “voice of controlling evil” that the protagonist in the clip is desperate to silence with the mighty hammer of justice. The message that follows promises that 2008 will be much different than 1984 and points to

The Obama campaign, however, claims no official ties with the progenitor of this surprisingly professional retouching of Apple’s advertisement. Nevertheless, whether or not the Illinois senator officially endorses the video matters little in the grand scheme of the evolving political landscape.

The truth is that as sites like YouTube continue to grow in popularity, voters are more likely to form their opinions based on the content of anonymous users rather than the official campaign messages delivered from the respective camps of the candidates themselves. Most would initially view this sort of paradigm shift as a good thing, but there are negatives to be considered as well.

Yes, socially driven campaign messages lack the spin that candidates try to attach to relevant issues. However, if you thought mudslinging was bad between the actual candidates, just wait until you see what their overzealous supporters will have in store for the primaries and the presidential election.

The 1984 pro-Obama video you see here is tame compared to the kind of content we’re sure to come across as things continue to heat up in the political realm.

Now, more than ever, the power to make or break a politician’s career rests in the hands of the average citizen. If you don’t want to take my word for it, perhaps you should ask George Allen what he thinks of YouTube.

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