Friday, September 20, 2024

Cross-Discipline Bundling in Online Marketing

The web designer wants you to just trust him, and not to listen to the sales department. The sales department is sure that the Geek who runs the back end is a communist. The website is invisible because someone thought a no-cache tag would be a cute way to avoid outdated content, and none of the pages are cached.

The owner is pissed off at everyone because there is no amount he can spend to get results. The advertising department is going crazy, because there is no conversion – it is definitely the webmaster’s fault according to them. The webmaster is going crazy because the owner’s favorite site is ugly, and he hates the idea of anything modern. The salespeople are starving and quitting.

Unfortunately, the above scenario is extremely common. I often read branding and credibility PR writers who are really good at what they do, but do not know enough to even optimize their self-promoted blog websites. Nobody wants the low-tech doctor, dentist, Lawyer, Realtor or anything else in this market: and certainly not the backwards advertising consultant: somebody needs to look at the whole picture.

This is the rub: almost nobody understands all the disciplines: marketing, internet technology, and sales. But to be successful online, integration and constant communication between Google+Search”>all three is necessary.

To compound the problem, everything is changing so quickly that policy changes need to be planned and made daily, requiring specialization at least with online advertising technology just to keep up!

Whew, what a mess! Here is the only solution: a functional cross-disciplinary team who respects each others strengths, and can work together: this is easier said than done.

For small business, a market gap big enough for an elephant to fall through exists; someone must bridge this gap during the period of time between when the business can afford and develop it’s own team this large, and startup.

Furthermore, many businesses will not support this six or seven digit overhead in-house: enter the virtual internet advertising team: US!

The silver lining: us oddballs with both sides working finally fit in and are needed, whether anyone understands us or not ;-)

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