Thursday, September 19, 2024

Your Marketing Soundtrack – Punk or Disco?

While I’m finishing the book, I wanted to do a quick post about “Punk Marketing: Get off your ass and join the revolution.” Richard Laermer, my cohort in crime at the Bad Pitch blog, wrote it with Mark Simmons.

Why post now? Business books take me awhile to get through compared to non-fiction. However the book is interesting–seemingly everywhere I turn online, I’m reading more about it.

The book’s premise is that your marketing should be what punk was to disco. Punk rock was the unconventional answer to the mainstream disco.

The authors focus on 15 key points and illustrate them with recent examples. The 15 point Manifesto is even broken out separately from the book along with some other online goodies you’ll find to complement the book.

Punk Marketing takes into account what some of us already know—the relationship between marketer and consumer has changed. It’s about connecting with them and not interrupting their lives. It’s about giving them control of the brand. It’s experimental and requires you to take risks.

The book’s promotion is in line with this premise and has taken on a life of its own at Adrants. To show this is not your average business book, several NSFW “comic strips” have been created. More specifically, Cleo and Anna disrobe on YouTube while reading excerpts from the book.

On my behalf, Richard asked Anna why she was stripping to help promote a business book.

“I am just an innocent girl who cares a lot about marketing. For too long I feel that corporations have taken us little old consumers for granted and, while I’m not an expert (I just play one in this commercial), my opinion is that marketing has allowed itself to become so dull.

“Let’s add some sexiness back into this profession. No, not THAT profession, I mean marketing. Let’s do stuff that breaks through and delivers its message in a clear simple way that people want to hear and see. See? If it takes me taking my clothes off to get attention then so be it. It’s not that I’ve got anything to hide.”

With more than 100,000 views for the entire campaign, the YouTube promotion is connecting with a very horny specific demographic. But I can tell you the book offers something for anyone in marketing that knows they need to change what they’re doing.


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