Sunday, October 6, 2024

Job-A-Matic Recruiting Appeal With Bloggers

Job search engine Simply Hired has been gaining ground with its Job-a-matic service, snagging over 600 bloggers and other site publishers since launch.

The audiences for niche blogs and vertical-interest websites arrive with a specific interest in the content to be found there. Advertising efforts have followed, in an attempt to target those audiences with relevant messages. Some blogs have been experimenting with job boards, which looks like a natural pairing. Firms who would like to recruit people with given interests should do well at finding them from among the readership of niches serving those interests.

That brings us to Job-a-matic, which comes from the job search engine Simply Hired. Job-a-matic is currently in beta, but has attracted the interest of a number of sites. A-list bloggers like Tom Foremski and Om Malik have Job-a-matic implemented for their blogs. In the world of e-business, Eric Peterson of Web Analytics Demystified has Job-a-matic in place where he charges $199 for a 30-day listing.

Peterson and Simply Hired split the cash 50-50. If he wants more job listings displayed from Simply Hired’s index, he would get 30 percent of the revenue coming from clicks on those paid listings. His paid listings appear on top of any added by the job search company. Simply Hired does provide some networking to display the paid listings blogs and sites sell to companies.

Deals with LinkedIn and MySpace show those listings across those networks, broadening their reach. Job listings deliver what people see as a valuable addition to a site, where ads could be considered distracting. The control that Job-a-matic offers could be a clincher for site publishers too, it’s far more than anyone who isn’t actively selling advertising and vetting each ad would have.

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