Friday, September 20, 2024

Ning – Rise Of The Social Niche-Work is a site that enables users to create their own social networks on any topic they want useing a log of social media tools like photo sharing, video sharing, blogs etc.

There are an amazing array of features avalable and all customizable through a nice ajaxy interface. Basically if you want to create your own version of myspace or facebook for your own college you can, think of it like yahoo groups 2.0. Check out the Battlestar Galactica group on Ning

To get a good overview of Ning you should check out this scoble show video of the CEO walking you through how you create the site.

Potentially Ning could provide the platform for users to create much more meaningful social “niche-works” which could erode the power of some of the monolithic networks like myspace, facebook etc. With all the companies running to put their pages up on myspace, wouldn’t they be better off cultivating their own social network around their brands?

Remember Vortals?

Tip of the hat to my pals at Adaptive Path who were involved in helping think through and design the tools for people to build their own social networks, good job guys.



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