Thursday, September 19, 2024

Survey: Corporate Use of Social Media

Internal communication research and training firm Melcrum is conducting a survey on social media usage in large companies.

A note I received today from MD Robin Crumby said:

[…] We’ve so far sent the survey to over 20,000 subscribers to Melcrum’s e-newsletters for corporate and employee communicators and got over 1200 responses in 48 hours. This is likely to be the largest global survey of its kind and we’re keen to share the findings with your blog readers as soon as they’re complete.

Plus, once your readers have completed the 5 minute survey they can download a free Melcrum report titled: The Quick-Start Guide to Social Media for Internal Communicators.

The link to complete the survey is:

If you’re a communicator, why not add your voice?

On a point of disclosure, the report Robin mentions includes contributions from me. It’s a good report running at 23 pages and worth having. Don’t let my disclosure influence your own view in any way, though :)

While you’re at Melcrum, take a look at The Melcrum Blog, a collaborative blog written by a group of Melcrum staffers with “thoughts and revelations on internal communication and beyond.” Worth subscribing to.

Ok, enough Melcrum plugs. No, wait, one more –

  • Related (sort of): I’m participating in an upcoming conference organized by Melcrum – The Social Media Forum for Internal Communicators which takes place in London on March 21-22. I’m speaking on “Join the conversation: How to create and launch a social media strategy for your organisation.” You can register online.


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