Friday, September 20, 2024

AMD Sets Up Shop In Second Life

AMD officially launched its virtual presence today by opening its Dev Central Pavilion on AMD Dev Central Island, which can be found within the online world of Second Life as part of its Developer Archipelago.

With a virtual presence within the online community, AMD hopes to extend its Developer Outreach program into a virtual space for meetings, lectures, training courses and networking opportunities for developers.

“The Second Life metaverse is a gathering place for both new and established developers,” said Paul Nolte, AMD project manager and contributing builder for the AMD Developer Central Second Life Pavilion.

“Through the interactive virtual experience at the pavilion, we hope to provide developers with an outlet to learn and grow, such as helping them to optimize native code for multi-threaded applications. Additionally, the treasure hunt and future developer challenges provide a creative outlet for developers to express their unique abilities.”

“As a developer, I am excited by the way Second Life invites ordinary users to try their hands at computer coding, while also providing an outlet for experienced programmers,” explained Adrienne Haik, co-founder of Metaversatility, the virtual world development company that designed key elements of the AMD Dev Central Island.

“We are impressed by AMD’s commitment to serving the needs of the SL community.”

As part of the launch celebration, AMD is sponsoring a three-month long treasure hunt contest with interactive Linden scripting language (LSL) and open source programming obstacles for contestants to overcome.

Perhaps AMD can lend the John Edwards camp a much-needed hand and ask contestants to construct a safety bubble around the headquarters to discourage pranksters.

And if the bubble just happens to keep Edwards supporters confined to a small area, they’ll just have to realize it’s for their own personal safety.

Yeah. That’s it. Safety.

AMD will award the grand prize winner of the developer challenge with a Dell Dimension E521 system, powered by a dual-core AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 processor, 4GB DDR2 SDRAM, 320GB Serial ATA Hard Drive, 20-inch widescreen digital flat panel monitor, and more.

Not too shabby at all.

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