Friday, September 20, 2024

Time, TV Guide To Offer Online Video

On Monday, Time and TV Guide will separately announce partnerships with Brightcove, a prominent online video distributor, aimed a developing proprietary platform to offer video content to subscribers of both magazines.

One of the Time’s primary goals is to significantly boost the video content on and eventually for its other publications, which include Fortune, Money, Sports Illustrated and Entertainment Weekly.

“We have at our disposal now a broad range of approaches for storytelling,” says Time Interactive President Ned Desmond in USA Today. “The biggest challenge for us is to understand how to use all of those different things well and to engage consumers that way.”

TV Guide will also be working closely with Brightcove, even though the website already carries a substantial amount of video content. One of its main objectives will be to boost advertising sales, enabling the magazine to “reach out to smaller players you ordinarily wouldn’t get to,” says TV Guide Channel President Ryan O’Hara in the article.

Lately it seems like everyone and their sister is working on some method of providing and delivering video content to users. The YouTube explosion has awakened companies to the viewing (and advertising) possibility that such a massive audience presents.

Video advertising is set to soar within the next year, and online content producers are looking to get their proverbial piece of the marketing pie. But how will users respond to ad-driven video?

The initial results seem positive. Fox has turned MySpace into a “second station” of sorts by offering its content on the popular social networking site. The television shows are accompanied by three to four 30-second advertising spots throughout an episode, but it doesn’t seem to be dissuading viewers from taking part in the experience.

With the shift to so much video, I wonder if people will still make time for print and audio methods of content consumption?

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