Friday, September 20, 2024

Nokia Design Has a YouTube Channel

Looks like the Nokia Design folks have a YouTube channel where they are sharing some conceptual videos exploring the (potential) future of mobile communications.

The videos are pretty interesting, animation mostly but they demonstrate integration across numerous smart devices, and (gasp touch screens 🙂 Hmm, maybe apple didn’t think of that first.

Connecting Simply (1:41)
An amazing visit to grandma’s high-tech refrigerator.

Inspiring Scenes (1:45)
Can you do some mad edits on the nightclub floor?

Achieving Together (1:50)
No more telecommuting in your pajamas.

Sharing Discoveries (1:36)

I’m also very glad to say I found out about these videos via a Blog that I helped start in the gaming group, it’s called Futurewatch at as it’s primarily a place for us to talk about what’s coming up for mobile gaming on N-Gage (which is going to be the platform for gaming across some yet to be named Nseries devices).

UPDATE: interestingly these were presented at Nokia World last year by Alastair Curtis, Nokia’s Chief Designer.

Alastair said, “Design is undoubtedly a key, defining issue in our industry. This is only set to increase over the coming years as we see people demanding mobile devices that more closely match their lifestyle.”

“As designers we have to be constantly looking ahead, predicting how these trends will develop and provoking new ideas. Making these videos public and sharing some of this thinking with the people who use our phones will help us do this.”

I think it’s quite a step for Nokia to put these out on youtube really, we may not be sharing trade secrets but it’s a much more open approach to engaging the community in a conversation about the future.


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Karl Long believes the experience is the marketing and social media is
how customers share experience and has been blogging about it for
several years. Karl’s primary blog Experiencecurve lives at the
intersection of marketing, social media, social software and
remarkable customer experience. Karl holds an MBA in Design Management
from the University of Westminster and is currently the Web/Social
Media Integration Manger for the video game group at Nokia. Karl also
writes about t-shirts at

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