Saturday, January 4, 2025

Strategy for Managing News


What is the best way to promote a Press Release? The obvious choice would be to create a viral marketing campaign which would hopefully end up sticking around for months.

What options are available to an organization to help promote their hottest news items? I have come up with a few but if anyone can suggest others please let me know.

– SMO/Social Bookmarking: Using services such as Digg, Reddit, Netscape, and Furl to distribute your news item to millions of users very quickly. It is important to understand who your audience is because services like Digg are very tech focused. Making your title and summary as enticing as possible can help generate more interest.

– Google News: If your site is constantly up to date with its industry’s news you should consider applying to become a Google News Source ( Otherwise launching searches on Google News related to your topic and compiling a list of sites to submit to is another way to end up on Google News.

– PRWeb: After a $40-200 contribution you can submit your news item to PRWeb which will eventually get your content posted on Google News. PRWeb also emails your news items to hundreds of affiliate partners. PRWeb comes with a small stats package to help you track the effectiveness of your content.

– EzineArticles: This is free service which allows content to be submitted to dozens of categories; EzineAriticles has developed quite the content network. EzineArticles allows 10 free submissions and if your content is really great you can potentially be granted “Platinum Status” (unlimited submissions).

Other Services to consider:

Promotion World


Bookmark Murdok:

Manoj has been working in the search engine marketing industry since 2002. He started out as a software developer but now provides in-depth web site analysis using web analytics.

Manoj is also the author of Web Analytics World. Web Analytics is an essential component in developing a successful
online campaign. Help convert visitors into customers by understanding

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