Thursday, September 19, 2024

Building Your Email List with Social Media

“The money is in the list” still holds true. Email is alive and well and being fed by social media sites.

MediaBuyerPlanner reports that Girls Learn to Ride, a site for young women interested in snowboarding and other extreme sports, uses social media sites to build their email list.

The site currently has 10,000 names in its email database, but has a combined 50,000 friends in social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Sponsorhouse. It sends out daily bulletins to its social networking “friends,” encouraging them to sign up for the email list.

The company’s largest growth has come from the social networks. Interestingly, emails to the social networks result in the highest conversion rates, as well.

Search Engine Journal also highlighted the recent launch of the Conde Nast MySpace profile.

Currently they have 2,245 friends. Google Analytics has shown me that bulletins sent out to a MySpace friends list can drive serious traffic and get good return if you’re a trusted source of information.

A couple of key points in this internet marketing strategy:

  • You have to identify an audience interested in your content on a relevant social media site
  • You have to offer them interesting and relevant content
  • Once you become a trusted source of information you’re home free – they convert very well.

So even though social media and email are the vehicles, a content strategy is still of paramount importance.



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Sally is the author of Website Content Strategy blog: Information about the shifts in media consumption and the use of
technology in marketing and PR so business can stay in touch with
their rapidly moving audiences.

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