Thursday, September 19, 2024

Building Quality Inbound Links

One of the most important factors in determining a site’s PageRank, as well as overall ranking within Google’s index, is the quality of incoming links. Today, we look at some tips from insiders across the web on how to go about building a quality incoming link structure.

Building Quality Inbound Links Thoughts On Link Buidling
Obtaining quality links can feel like an arduous process when trying to get a site off the ground. Sure, there are lots of shady methods that one could employ to achieve “instant linkification” if one were so inclined, but these methods present little in terms of a long term strategy for link building.

So, enterprising journalist that I am, I took to the web to see what those most familiar with the practice of link building had to say about getting quality inbound links.

Ken Yarmosh is a strategy consultant for Viget Labs. In his personal blog, he outlines 7 ways to achieve quality links. You can read the blog entry for a complete rundown, but there are two items that I believe bear specific mention:

Do, say, or write something really stupid (or controversial).

It’s funny how the extremes work. Honestly, there are too many examples to choose from on this one. And I don’t really advocate it anyway. But if you are interested, you can check out Bert Decker’s Top Ten (Best and) Worst Communicators of 2006 to refresh your memory on some good examples.

Ah, the art of the sound byte; it’s finally crossed over into the online realm. Boldness of speech, misplaced or not, goes a long way in getting people to link to your content. Make outlandish claims (at least try to back them up, though), call out companies and individuals if you don’t like what they’re doing, and don’t be afraid to rock the boat.

Or, as my colleague Jason Lee Miller would say, “Write like you’ve got a pair.”

Make people laugh.

Everyone loves a good laugh. Think about the vast majority of e-mails and links that your family and friends have forwarded to you recently. The likelihood is that they were something that made you laugh or at least smile. A good example would include the Evolution of Dance or the old Numa Numa video (still a classic in my mind).

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. If you’re going to have the guts to make controversial statements, you have to be willing to not take yourself so seriously. Before the website’s recent “change in direction”, Valleywag was a sterling example of controversial humor. With Nick Douglas as the main writer, there was nary a day that went by that I didn’t experience a giant belly laugh over something that had been written over at the ‘Wag.

Humor is powerful in luring links to your content.

Okay, so we’ve touched on some things that you should do in order to make a site more linkable. Now, let’s look at something to avoid in striving for quality inbound links. Donna Konley at the Web Design Library gives this warning to site administrators:

Avoid Link Farms and Exchanges.

Link farms are designed to allow people to submit Web site links so that they can increase the number of links leading to their Web sites. The problem with link farms is that they usually accept links from anyone, which means that the quality of the links on these sites is very low. Links to computer repair shops may be published next to links leading to clothing retailers.

Another problem with link farms is that you cannot control the links displayed. If there are adult sites or other questionable material linked to from the link farm or exchange, you run the risk of having prospects associate you with that type of Web site. Knowing how to keep your links high in quality and relevance can help you achieve the best results from your link-building efforts.

Again, don’t take the quick fix. In the long run, your site’s reputation, as well as it’s ranking within the index, will suffer more than prosper from questionable link building tactics.

Content issues are key, but are there other methods when it comes to bringing in links? Brian Hawkins of Extreme Site Promotions offers this tip:

Allow other websites to use your forum or discussion board for their own site. Just have them link directly to the forum. You can even setup a special forum/category and make them a moderator for that section or alternately you can offer to run it for them so they don’t need to increase their workload. Not only will they be linking to your site they’ll be actively sending traffic to it.

Seek to form partnerships with other content providers. Build your links over time by establishing a good rapport with other reputable businesses.

All these methods will provide a solid foundation when it comes to linkage. Obviously, as a business grows, the methods in which it generates incoming links will change. There is no “one size fits all” approach to link building, only underlying concepts which companies will have to adapt to fit specific needs and goals.

If you can manage to do all this, and do it well, you can expect to see a marked improvement in the quality of inbound links to your site.

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Joe is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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