Friday, September 20, 2024

Presidential Candidates Look Online

The Internet has played an increasing role in politics. It has become a tool for potential candidates at the local, state and national level. Politicians know that using blogs or video is just another way to get their message out and further build their base.

The 2008 presidential election is months away but the race has all ready started. Two presidential hopefuls have started to use the Internet to connect with voters. Former Senator John Edwards announced his campaign with the help of YouTube and has started running ads on political blogs. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has also started running ads on political blogs.

Romney’s spokesman, Kevin Madden, said “Our blog ads help reach this audience and drive traffic to our website and provide more information about Mitt Romney, his campaign, his ideas and how they can then in turn join our effort.”

Matt Gross, head of online communications for the Edwards campaign, said,” We saw blog ads as an effective way to bring people in the blogosphere directly to the campaign Web site, where they could hear from Edwards directly.”

Expect to see every presidential hopeful to develop similar strategies as they enter into the political arena. The influence of the net could possibly be as influential as TV was during the Kennedy/Nixon debates back in 1960.

Over the upcoming months as more candidates announce their bid for president, running a solid digital campaign will be key to moving to Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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