Thursday, September 19, 2024

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

After reading Guy Kawasaki’s post on ‘Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn’, I realize that LinkedIn is catching on at a quick rate.

I think it has a lot of potential both for job hunting and just for having a professional contact network. Additionally, with the new LinkedIn Answers section, it will only become greater as a resource for professionals to rely on.

I’ve had my LinkedIn profile up for about a month and a half now, and have built a small contact list. However, there is nothing about it that even really shouts out my interest in SEO or Web Design. I know I am a capable programmer and decently knowledgeable about the SEO industry, but due to a lack of professional experience (I’m only in University, remember), I don’t have a wealth of previous positions to include which might indicate my knowledge and interest in these fields. Additionally, none of my previous employers use LinkedIn, and so I can’t draw on their recommendations either.

I want to clean up my act a bit on LinkedIn. So how would you suggest I optimize my LinkedIn profile and make it more professional looking? I want to be able to apply for jobs via LinkedIn and not immediately dismiss me based on the sparseness of my profile.

Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Additionally, if you want to add me to your contact network, go right ahead. My email address is Thanks for any help!


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