Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo Local Search Added To GPS Device

A new GPS manufacturer is the first to add an in-car local search engine to its features, and the umpteenth millionth company to issue a rotten press release. But let’s stick to the good news. Dash Navigation’s soon-to-be-released GPS device will feature Yahoo! Local search.

Dash says it is the first GPS manufacturer to offer a local search function on its product. Nearly a year ago, Google teamed up with Volkswagen to show off a Fahrvergoogle Earth 3D map overlay for “dead-reckoning and laser-radar imaging” and “car-to-infrastructure communication.”

Now that’s how you write a press release. But, as far as we know, you couldn’t type in “croissants” and bring up a list of nearby bakeries, cafes and stores along with directions. But with Dash’s product, you can.

With the Dash Express, Yahoo! Local search results are arranged into “address cards,” which can be selected, routing the driver to where he or she can find the goods.

Yahoo! Local ratings and reviews are also presented with results where available. This is great news for the perpetually lost, the touring, and the proud I-know-where-I’m-going crowd. But services like this are also good news for local brick-and-mortar shops that often go overlooked.

The Dash Express will released in California this spring and will be demonstrated at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. And then let the newest cause of the crash-em-up-derby begin.

“I’m sorry,” she said, “I was typing in a search for Starbucks. Oh! There’s one right there. And another. And another! Boy, do I feel stupid.”

More on how to write a press release to come.


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