Thursday, September 19, 2024

Most Popular Blog Posts Of 2006

The top blogs in 2006 mainly focused on politics and satire according to a report from Nielsen BuzzMetrics. The top blog, based on the number of inbound links from other blogs between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30, 2006, was’s petition against changes in the livejournal interface. The single post was linked to in 801 posts by 786 other blogs.

“A minority of highly influential blogs continues to influence the broader conversation on the web,” said Jonathan Carson, CEO, Nielsen BuzzMetrics. “However, unique circumstances and events, such as the LiveJournal protest against proposed interface changes, can resonate with passionate stakeholders and catapult lesser-known blogs to the top”.

Coming in at the number 2 spot were crooks and liars post on Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert and a comedic monologue he gave at the White House. The Colbert post was linked to 622 posts on 603 blogs.

MSNBC’s Keith Oleberman held the number 3 position with commentary on former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Olberman was linked to 359 posts on 340 blogs.

David Sifry, founder and CEO of blog-search engine Technorati had the fourth most popular post with his state-of the blogosphere report. His post was linked to 339 post on 298 blogs.

Rounding out the remainder of the top blogs were Keith Olberman at number 5, Support Denmark: Why The Forbidden Cartoons Matter at number 6, SNL : If Al Gore were President at 7, Milking it? at number 8, State of the Blogosphere was 9 and 10.

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Mike is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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